God said to Jacob arise and go t o B ethel, and l iv e there, and make an al tar to the God . Ja…
Read moreWhen Jacob lifted up his eyes , he saw E sau came with 400 men then Jacob divided his children ,…
Read moreJacob heard the words of Laban's sons , s ayin g Jacob had taken all that of their father…
Read moreWhen Rachel gave birth t o Josep h , Jacob asked Laba n to send him to his own countr y , along…
Read moreAs p er the voice of hi s father and mother, J acob went to H aran, in search of L aba n, son o…
Read moreIssac called Jacob and blessed him and asked hi m not to marry the daughters of Canaan , and aske…
Read moreWhen Issac was old, he called his eldest son Esau and said to him i may die at any t ime , theref…
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